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Signature Weddings.Stylish Events

Wedding Planning
Wedding Planning

That beautiful gold sequin gown. That blushing bride & That Dashing groom with a cheeky grin on his face that only you know.

Experience the wedding of your life by focusing on what matters the most. Get in touch with us and we'll guide you how. We can do no great things, only small things with great love .​


Wedding Decorations

Campaigning for the best marketing strategies have you stressing out? Perhaps you need a break.It's that time  of the year to bring out that Michael Jackson thriller dance in you. Let's start planning because no one looks back on their life and remembers the nights they got plenty of sleep.Conceptualize your wedding decorations with the trendsetting props now.

Celebration Cakes

For that red Valentino birthday dress or that Hugo Boss 3 piece suit you have stashed away behind that closet of yours. For that dream birthday party you have been secretly planning. Well...

Stop dreaming and let's plan your celebration like a boss. Like your "half birthday" Only this time. You are most definitely your own boss.

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